Thursday, May 29, 2008

...>>; sry, but after posting that really crappy pic i needed to post one that was good.
This is Jude btw. I don't have many (or more many GOOD) pics of Matilda... at least not with out Jude. But that's understandable since she doesn't do much or go anywhere with out Jude, and visa versa. tho every now and then Jude will go off on her own, but it's usually cuz she doesn't want Matilda in the way(of harm). So when Jude is around Matilda sticks to her like glue,
And Jude wonuldn't have it any other way. :)
...sweet aint they? (their about 9 btw, and her little sis in the crappy pic, Elliot, is about 4... i REALLY don't have many pics of her. she's often not there. but i've been drawing her a bit more lately and their really cute pics that r turning out well so u might end up seeing more of her :) ) (...whoa.... waaaaaaay more then i meant to type ^^; )

alright, i hath tolded u about how "Some Girl" has the most favs in my gallery? yeah, well, THIS has the most views. It's called "Graffiti" and it was my first pic ever of this set of characters. ok, from left to right, Jude(real name Judith), Elliot, and Matilda(Jude calls her Mattie). funny story, Jude was the only one with a name when i drew this. the other's name's came about 2 or 3 days later. can u guess what those things on the ground r cuz they aren't shadows. a cookie to anyone who can guess! (hint: there's a clue next to one of them. ...double hint: i signed my name on the bricks behind them. there's a reason y)
ps: i think it kinda sucks that this ones getting so much attention cuz this is a really bad pic of them. I didn't know how to draw them when i drew this, it was really experamental(sp), and now that i can draw them(and well mind u) no one pays any attetion! D: not cool man! not cool! TT_______TT
Just thought I'd post some of my art here since i have nothing else to do.

OMG! i have not been able to scan anything new in FOREVER! IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY! SO P.O.ED! anywho, this is an old pic from my deviant art. this is surprisingly the one with the most favorties of my gallery raking in a whooping 4 favs. ... sad aint it -_______-
the weirdest thing is that this is just entitled "Some girl". no, im totally serious she doesn't even gots a name! and she still have more favs than everything else i put up! (I.E. fan characters)
...-sigh- check out my DA some time y don't cha.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oh heres some pics of outfits my friend Berri, who i posted D.Gray-Man for, might go as. they r so cute! =^oo^=~

A character from teh manga Swan. I haven't read it yet, but she absolutly LUVZ it! And heres the other character she might go as!

Yeah, she might go ash Princess TuTu! I think both would be adoriable! -^oo^-~
Oh and other friend o mine told me who shes thinking of going as yesterday! heres some pics of her.

yeah! she might go as Princess AI from... Princess AI! She's got the attitude for it and the body, but does she have the voice? ...i have no clue -_______-'
Okz, so I'm posting pics of characters from D.Gray-Man for meh friend to c. her email doth no take kindly to picyz! I'm trying to show her characters. also I'm showing her how they look so she can c how they all look cuz me and a bunch of friends r probabl going to next years Animazement as a big ol' D.Gray-Man group. I need to find some pics of us from this year and post 'em, along with the jump on it dance! -^oo^- hellz yey!

Mj went as Miranda this year... well kinda. she had the hair and an outfit that looked alot like the uniform Miranda ends up in. If only she had the actually uniform (which i can understand y NOT to get them cuz they cost like, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ times 100!!!) or teh dress then she'd been the best Miranda... wait, she was! yeyz! i was chillin with teh best of teh best! v^-^v

Lavi (or Rabi) cuz we all love him so! as doth I <3~

TEEZ! no not the guy, teh butterfly thingies. teh guy b Tyki in a suit. quite the looker aint he?


GRRR! I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO PUT UP A KANDA PIC BUT THE ONE I WANT WONT OPEN! -sigh- :( oh well. i guess it doesnt really matter since someones going as him anyways. alright, this here is Tyki, and Konekoz iz going as him in his not cuddly hobo form. suit i mean. she was like, THE BEST TYKI EVA AT ANIMAZEMENT! well she was totally the best tyki there. and our Kanda was the best Kanda of them all. her hair was freakin natural! u cant beat natural! D:

Allen Walker!!!!1 <3 <3 <3 <3~~~~~~~~~ -^oo^- -fangirl spaz!- i hearts him so. MJ might go as him, tho if she does i'll probably have to glomp her multiple times >3 yey Allen!~<3 v=^o^=~

Reever Wenham. kinda minor, but so is Johnny. he's cool tho so it's like, y not put him up since im doing this.

This is Lala. she's a majorly minor character, but i KINDA look like her. Idk. ...I would definatly have to loss weight tho.

Linali! still up for grabs to go as!

Krory or Krorykins! ^00^ teh awesome vampy man from teh D.Gray-Man

Road(or Rhode) Kameolot(sp?! ^^;) we're not sure who going as her yet, so shes still up for grabs.

Johnny Gill(right) and Suman(left) playing chess. (I might go as Johnny Yey nerdz!)
well aside from a pic ok Kanda and Komui (FEAR TEH KOMUI!!!! D< )i think that eveyone. these r all orignal pics by the artist and creator! luv them! D< -^oo^- pick up some D.Gray-Man! ish good! so ther~
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
yey! ive finally got art up on my DA(deviant art) i feel so proud and not fail at life!
well kinda... other things in life r going so-so -coughgradescough- but all in all lifes pretty good.
we had a house fire. I KNOW!! but everythings fine. it's all being taken care of. ...just, very VERY slowly -_-; grrr... anyhow, im stuck in this hotel room. and normally, that wouldnt b a problem. only this time, my dads here(its usually a me and mom thing) and my dog (annoying as HELL... love him still tho -_-) and most of all, we've been stuck here for much MUCH longer. needless to say tempers r FLARING. but this too shall pass.
...i also need to get a my space and face book. everyone i know has one or the other. even my mom has a face book. oh well i have a youtube, a blogger, an account on a forum(teenaged mutant ninja turtles one... i. am. such. a. DORK!) and a Deviant art that, on a good ness level is fairly to pretty damn. tho i need to put something on my youtube and i need to start updating my blogger more. ...-ish totally giving my blogger luv now- ^^;
i should have some stuff on YouTube by the end of summer, if not alot. and along side that i should have all of the following accounts;
-Youtube; MewMewWOLFBANE
-Deviant Art; WOLFBANE1
-Blogger(duh! ur on it!);WOLFBANE's Blogger
-The 4kids(the station that runs many dorky cartoon and mostly TMNT... dorky= my love)Forum; WOLFBANE1
-Face book; dunno yet
-Myspace; dunno yet
-Veoh (a video channel);MewMewWOLFBANE
-Crunchy Roll(another video channel);MewMewWOLFBANE
and maybe MUCH MUCH more. my friend has a site we're gonna post our manga(?!) on. and i might post some more Manga and stories on Manga and Story site, cuz u know there r some ;P
anywho! i hope i don't become too boring for u all. ill post links to stuff here soon!
PEACE! v^___^
oh, btw; ;meh DA(Deviant Art) check it out!!! -^^-
Labels: art, Deviant art, links, stories, websites, wolfbane