...>>; sry, but after posting that really crappy pic i needed to post one that was good.
This is Jude btw. I don't have many (or more many GOOD) pics of Matilda... at least not with out Jude. But that's understandable since she doesn't do much or go anywhere with out Jude, and visa versa. tho every now and then Jude will go off on her own, but it's usually cuz she doesn't want Matilda in the way(of harm). So when Jude is around Matilda sticks to her like glue,
And Jude wonuldn't have it any other way. :)
...sweet aint they? (their about 9 btw, and her little sis in the crappy pic, Elliot, is about 4... i REALLY don't have many pics of her. she's often not there. but i've been drawing her a bit more lately and their really cute pics that r turning out well so u might end up seeing more of her :) ) (...whoa.... waaaaaaay more then i meant to type ^^; )
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