
alright, i hath tolded u about how "Some Girl" has the most favs in my gallery? yeah, well, THIS has the most views. It's called "Graffiti" and it was my first pic ever of this set of characters. ok, from left to right, Jude(real name Judith), Elliot, and Matilda(Jude calls her Mattie). funny story, Jude was the only one with a name when i drew this. the other's name's came about 2 or 3 days later. can u guess what those things on the ground r cuz they aren't shadows. a cookie to anyone who can guess! (hint: there's a clue next to one of them. ...double hint: i signed my name on the bricks behind them. there's a reason y)
ps: i think it kinda sucks that this ones getting so much attention cuz this is a really bad pic of them. I didn't know how to draw them when i drew this, it was really experamental(sp), and now that i can draw them(and well mind u) no one pays any attetion! D: not cool man! not cool! TT_______TT
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