Okz, so I'm posting pics of characters from D.Gray-Man for meh friend to c. her email doth no take kindly to picyz! I'm trying to show her characters. also I'm showing her how they look so she can c how they all look cuz me and a bunch of friends r probabl going to next years Animazement as a big ol' D.Gray-Man group. I need to find some pics of us from this year and post 'em, along with the jump on it dance! -^oo^- hellz yey!

Mj went as Miranda this year... well kinda. she had the hair and an outfit that looked alot like the uniform Miranda ends up in. If only she had the actually uniform (which i can understand y NOT to get them cuz they cost like, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ times 100!!!) or teh dress then she'd been the best Miranda... wait, she was! yeyz! i was chillin with teh best of teh best! v^-^v

Lavi (or Rabi) cuz we all love him so! as doth I <3~

TEEZ! no not the guy, teh butterfly thingies. teh guy b Tyki in a suit. quite the looker aint he?


GRRR! I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO PUT UP A KANDA PIC BUT THE ONE I WANT WONT OPEN! -sigh- :( oh well. i guess it doesnt really matter since someones going as him anyways. alright, this here is Tyki, and Konekoz iz going as him in his not cuddly hobo form. suit i mean. she was like, THE BEST TYKI EVA AT ANIMAZEMENT! well she was totally the best tyki there. and our Kanda was the best Kanda of them all. her hair was freakin natural! u cant beat natural! D:

Allen Walker!!!!1 <3 <3 <3 <3~~~~~~~~~ -^oo^- -fangirl spaz!- i hearts him so. MJ might go as him, tho if she does i'll probably have to glomp her multiple times >3 yey Allen!~<3 v=^o^=~

Reever Wenham. kinda minor, but so is Johnny. he's cool tho so it's like, y not put him up since im doing this.

This is Lala. she's a majorly minor character, but i KINDA look like her. Idk. ...I would definatly have to loss weight tho.

Linali! still up for grabs to go as!

Krory or Krorykins! ^00^ teh awesome vampy man from teh D.Gray-Man

Road(or Rhode) Kameolot(sp?! ^^;) we're not sure who going as her yet, so shes still up for grabs.

Johnny Gill(right) and Suman(left) playing chess. (I might go as Johnny Yey nerdz!)
well aside from a pic ok Kanda and Komui (FEAR TEH KOMUI!!!! D< )i think that eveyone. these r all orignal pics by the artist and creator! luv them! D< -^oo^- pick up some D.Gray-Man! ish good! so ther~
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