This is my Pyro girl. Her names Penelope, though admittedly I forgot that for a while and just kept calling her Kenny cause... I call all Pyro's Kenny. (cause ya know the whole 'Mprh hurr durr mrph mprh' thing and the fact that they die a lot) And she is uguu for the Scout.

I have yet to be able to produce a substantial picture of my Pyro. I have only ever been able successfully draw her in this cutesy doodle form. It's rather frustrating. :Y but whatever DOODLES (her hips are wide. HIPS THAT COULD KILL A MAN!)

Scars and bad proportions GAH!

And these are the two character from the comic that me and my friend have been working on for about 3 years now.(these are my most recent pictures of these two characters. They aren't the best, but that's mostly cause right now I'm playing around with the style as me and my co-author try to decide which type of style would be more suited to the comic)
This is Kyreeh. She's a master thief, and also a vampire. WHOO. She is blasian and is known by the public as 'The Ankh', cause she leaves a little card with an Ankh on it in place of what she's stolen. She cocky and arrogant and likes to mess with the humans. (and their silly faulty security systems) The main human she likes to mess with is Detective Anna VanTrouph. Her main target is museums and she is loosely based on my co-author. (visually)

This is Anna. She is a legitimate detective but not many are sure how she managed to get that rank. Basically as soon as she got the title, she began neglecting her work. The main obsession of her life is the paranormal, and her main goal is to catch Kyreeh. Most people think her paranormal-ism is crazy, but she knows she's right. (And hey, this time she actually is) She's a hopeless nerdy child of a deceased police officer who has romanticized fantasies of the detective life. (even going so far as to actually wear a tie, trench coat and fedora when on the job) Originally Anna was not in the comic, and Kyreeh's main foe was another master thief. He's still there, but we figured that SOMEONE in law enforcement would be out to catch her, so we added this crazy chick. Anna is loosely based on me. (mostly visually. I love detectives too.) (she's a chub, but the coat makes it hard to tell)

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