Thursday, November 26, 2009

A work in Progress
Sep. 29, 2009
Tough Crowd
The first installment of A Work In Progress or AWIP. Art and story by moi! Hooray!
I'm finally getting around to posting these things up here. GAH! Took me so long, but oh well,
better late then never I guess.
Enjoy! More to come in a bit.
Labels: a work in progress, awip, comics, emma, Emma Lowman, school new paper, tough crowd, Wolfbane1
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Hi everyone. Haven't posted in a while.
Well, I'm afraid there's really not much to talk about. Nothing too exciting happening. Nothing really good, nothing EXTREMELY bad.
My biffle's a little down of lates, but I think that's about as bad as it gets. (which is pretty sucky actually)
But yeah, aside from that.
As far as my personal life goes, nothing much is happening.
I've put my comics on a brief hiatis. Not goin' anywhere, just trying to catch up on all of the other stuff I've been neglecting.
I finally started posting stuff again on my DA. Mostly crappy doodles but hey, at least it's something.
God, I feel really tired right now.
I hope to start doing my art more seriously. Make it look better just i general and not just scan in and post crap.
...I know I've been saying that for a while now, but this time I actually mean it.(and I believe that time has shown us that it takes quite a while of me saying I'm going to do something before I ACTUALLY do it. ...But then it's freaking awesome. :3 hahaha )
anyways, I got a few artistic projects on the brain. As well as some comic-y ones too. (I've started collaberting with other people now and it's pretty great. The problem is getting some good solid time to actually just sit down and do it all. I feel like that's how I might end up spending my up coming break. Which is perfectly fine with me. It'd actually be rather prefered. OMG, ME?! Actually getting stuff DONE?! That yould be a thanksgiving miracle~~ HAHA!)
At any rate.
I'm currently right now at the time sitting in my printing graphics class. Today's our last day to finish all the steps in our project, but I've already got all my stuff done. Yey me! Whoo! Free day!
Wish I could do that with other things. -coughcoughlikecomicscoughcough-
if an of you are antsy to see my latest little doodles up on my Deviant Art, there's the site!
I still got a few more things to scan in, but once those are done, I can take a small break and get back to my comics. Cause I know how much you all love them(not).
Later~ <3