Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
ok, for starters
theres so much i wanna do this summer! the list is very long, but first
i wanted to show this pic i found to a good friend o mine who LOVES LOVES LOVES Alice in wonderland.
this is "White Rabbit" by kyoht on Deviant art.
i think if one WERE to c an actual white rabbit running around in a petti coat with a pocket watch, it'd look exactly like this! aww, so cute! -^oo^- -huggles the bunny-
ok, well now i'm to fav art by Kyoht. Emily, i hope u like it, and i promise i'll finish/do a better pic of alice in wonderland for u! >-Ov

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
wow.... end of the school year. It seems like just yesterday that we started it, and now it's over! today was our last "official" or "regular" day of school. We still have about four more days(5 if u fail an exam) for our exams for each of our for periods. all our seniors had already had their exams and are outta here. damn lucky bastards. I only knew one senior this year and he promises to come visit us non-seniors at the school, so ish ok. Im not too worried about never seeing him again, cuz he's gonna b a therapist and so i'll probably end up a client. ^^; hehehe...
anywho! I just found something kinda bad out tho. One of my friends is a junior! i didn't know that! that means around this time next year she'll b leaving me! D:
oh, well. we'll probably stay in touch anyway. I have my first exam tomorrow and i can not wait till im done with them all. -spits on the exams- tis the bane of all who wish to graduate. Tho i guess ill b fine. I usually will get like, a D in a class, but get a 4 on the final testing for that subject. tho, i did really really bad grade wise this year so i might only pass with a 3... barely. thank god tho, i managed to get all my D's and almost F's up to 3 C's and a B. -whew- dodged that bullet more or less boo-boo free. i guess you would say it dinged my cheek, but there was barely any blood.
OMG! I can finally get a job over the summer, yey! my mom wouldn't let me get one during the school year cuz she said my grades suffer enough with out having that as a distraction. how right was she. still, I'm glad to be getting my first job :)
ok, total side note. but one of my friends said their thinking of getting rid of pennies. surprisingly, I'm all for that. think about it, with out pennies, money would just go by fives. thinking and counting by fives is much much easier. my mom would tell me stories of how, when she started working, u had to count out the change really fast. there's this one guy i know, he works at sonic, and my mom says he does that. wow. i wish i had that kinda of skill. that be a very useful still to have.
I think i might NOT fail my music exam this time :) yey. my thoart hurts like crazy. apparently, whispering, clearing ur throat, and coughing, all hurt ur vocal chords something awful. that's really bad news for me to here, since im alway clearing my throat. (i like and want to sing. i wanna keep singing on into my grave, and im not half bad. so i don't want my vocal chords to get messed up b4 American idol. lol, im actually gonna do it) tho, due to the total head ache-ness that is the chorus teacher, im not gonna take chorus next year, so my thoart will probably get alot of rest. im probably gonna get into an art or theater class. i really hope someone i know is in one of those. i so want Rachel or Hannah to be in one of my classes. hopefully together. they r freakin awesome people. and Rachel is not only a hoot beyond all reason, but she's now the official mascot for Sophomore year. what ever class she's in is bond to be the good class of my day. -crosses fingers and prays to god someone awesome is in my classes and that the math teacher isn't devil spawn like the one in first semester-
this sucks. i had some awesome teachers this year (and some NOT awesome but still) and now who ever i get next year is probably going to seem like a demon in human skin. i really hoping for one of the math teachers who have a good rep. math is hard enough, i dont want a jack-ass as my teacher. which is probably how it's going to feel since my math teacher on my last semester was an angel. i wish she taught algebra 2. TT_______TT -sigh-
mixed feelings right now. just hoping for the best at this point. theirs only one lunch next year so i know ill have lunch with every body. wish me luck, im gonna need it.
.... funny. praying seems real good right about now.... hm.
Au Revoir.
ps: never thought i'd make it, tho very glad i did :)