ok, this is me and Demyx.
this is something one of my friend did cuz...well, truthfully, it was cuz she was bored. but hey, at least she does good work. :) anyways, thats her and axel in the corner. they're scared, and with good reason. Demyx spazs alot, i spaz alot, and we both are just forces of descurtion ^_^. anyways. my hair's not really that dark in real life (which is like the first and almost only thing i said about it), and neither is hers (my friend that is. btw, her names megan, but on the computer she often called kurokoneko). but she plans on getting her hair dyed again, and then it will be so. just looking to the future i guess. anyways. i think it kicks some major ass, so, yeah. IT'S COOL AND YOU MUST LOVE IT! ....it has axel.... :). lol ^_^!!!